Thursday, August 6, 2009


One is the word for the day...

Peek A Boo

ONE precious little baby in this house. Woke up at ONE in the morning. She screamed and cried for ONE solid hour... all while ONE bottom tooth broke through! And, once we (Casey) got her back to sleep, she slept ONE hour longer than she normally does.

That is right. It is official. Squirmworm is cutting a tooth and it must hurt something awful. I was very close to getting in the car driving to Walmart and buying some teething tablets at 1:45 in the morning. Thankfully Casey saved the day. He has a very calming spirit and Anna feeds off of that. She almost always falls asleep when he holds her... and I'm very thankful for this on many occasions. Last night being NO different.

You may be thinking.. she already cut a tooth (her fang tooth)... well, oddly enough that little tooth has disappeared. I know, it's the weirdest thing. One day it was there and a few days later I checked to see if it had grown in any more and it's GONE. Yes. Gone! Who knows... it's a mystery! "The Mystery of the... Missing Tooth."
(dg, that was for you.. remember little "rain-cloud over your head" kid)

For the rest of you who have NO clue what I'm talking about.. I'll have to tell you the story sometime.. (when time allows)

Anyway... for now..

I'm pretty sure we will be headed to Walmart at some point today to get this ONE little angel some teething tablets!

Okay.. I'll be back Sunday.. with "Squirmworm's First Trip to the Beach"...
Happy weekending to you ALL!!

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah, mg, i do remember fact i'm finding myself saying those words often! funny you should say!
    love it...
    i miss you!


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