Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sister Love

Sister Love by sweet mondays
Sister Love, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

Caroline chick

Caroline chick by sweet mondays
Caroline chick, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

chicken little

chicken little by sweet mondays
chicken little, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

Our little cat!

Our little cat! by sweet mondays
Our little cat!, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


We finally carved our pumpkins!! The girls worked hard to help clean them out...




Then, draw out their faces...



Anna decided on these...



Then  Casey carved them the best he could!


Happy Halloween  Everyone!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Who says bed rest is all bad?!?!

That's right... bed rest for a few days. We had a little baby scare today..okay, a BIG scare to me. Everything with baby is totally fine but I'm in bed for a few days.
diagnosis: placenta previa..

Cutest baby cousin the girls have!

Couldn't you eat littlee "jimbamin" with a spoon! That is what Caroline calls him.

Benjamin one yr pic
Houston and Lacey's boy.
Sweetest baby cousin Anna and Caroline have!

It's good to know the heimlich!!

Poor sweetie just choked on a chip and I had to bust out my first aid skills! Uggh.. scary!

"an antique in the sky"

"an antique in the sky" by sweet mondays
"an antique in the sky", a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

We pick on my mom because that is what she said a rainbow was one time... but this morning the biggest most beautiful rainbow was over our house! The picture doesn't do it justice at all!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

sister time

sister time by sweet mondays
sister time, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.


Friday, October 19, 2012

so far so good!

so far so good! by sweet mondays
so far so good!, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

only one accident so far today! we moved to the pull-up because we ate about to go to get pumpkins, Toms, and a Mexican supper! and... yes, I let her spend the whole day in her pajamas and panties. choose ur battles right?!? I think she just wanted everyone to see that she wasn't in a diaper :)

sweet Caroline

sweet Caroline by sweet mondays
sweet Caroline, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

trying out the big girl panties!

SHE is sooo proud! Wish us luck :)

Matilda Jane #2

Matilda Jane #2 by sweet mondays
Matilda Jane #2, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

she is so proud!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Park Monkey!

Park Monkey! by sweet mondays
Park Monkey!, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

Filling in the blanks...

look at that huge cherry limeade! :)

Let's Be Real...

I rearranged!

I wanted to wait until my house was spotless and beautiful before doing a post (with real pictures) but let's get real... my house is never spotless! The real beauty lies within... all the toys on the floor (happy kids), dishes piled high in the sink, (means I'm playing with the kids and skipping chores.. and we ate something that I actually cooked.. not just a poptart thrown on a paper plate!...which is the norm for mornings around here),toys on the table, (kids having fun), clothes piled high on the couch, (oh- that is just because I'm too lazy to put them away half the time.. but also, spoiled girls with tons of clothes)!

So many times I'm all stressed out about my house. I spend so much of my free time trying to pick up and clean up and declutter and organize that I miss out on the truly important things. A clean house is beautiful to an outsider looking in (and especially me) but I"m trying to teach myself to see the true beauty in a mess!! It's a hard lesson to be learned. I have a hard time with clutter! But, I'm trying! When the girls grow up they are not going to say "oh yeah, my childhood was great because mom kept the house so clean" NO!! They are hopefully going to say, "I loved my childhood! I can remember when mom did ______ and __________ and ________ and ______ and _______!!" It's my job to fill in those blanks!! Don't get me wrong... I'm still gonna clean my house :) BUT.. I'm going to try not to stress out if it's not perfect! I'm going to try and spend more of my free time making messes with the girls instead of cleaning up and insisting they don't make a mess!! Today we are filling in those blanks with jumping on the trampoline, having ice cream,  playing puppy, going to the park, and painting the walls of the bathtub!

This is a great song if you are feeling a like me... like you are sweating the small stuff way too much these days!!! Children making messes are children making memories!! It's a good and beautiful life for them!!

It's Scotty Mcreery's Dirty Dishes.

It's a good song to help put things in perspective...

Sorry to get off on my soapbox...

Okay.. now- on to the furniture! I'll never get around to taking pictures with my real camera (it takes too much time to upload) and if my house ever looks absolutely perfect and clean I'll definitely get out the real camera (because it will be snowing in July and I'll want to document that for sure!)

Basically- I (meaning me and Casey because I couldn't move furniture) swapped the breakfast room with all the hodge podge furniture in the formal dinning room!


View of the den from the foyer.


Studio shelves moved to either side of the t.v. They used to be on the wall in the breakfast room (where my desk is now).


Formal dinning room.. with breakfast table and chairs. SIDE NOTE: Casey and I are looking for a farm table to put in here so we'll be selling this table and the 4 chairs. Just incase you are intersted :)


Sitting room in old breakfast room! SIDE NOTE HERE TOO: We're probably going to get a new pull out couch eventually too... Just incase anyone wants this one!!

Of course I still have one million things I want to hang and paint and do... but, this is a start!!!

Okay, I"m off to get little Gavvy from his nap.. and later to have ice cream and go to the park!!

"Have a good day! Give a good day!"

waiting on Anna at the dentist

a better picture!

a better picture! by sweet mondays
a better picture!, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

we love Awanas!

we love Awanas! by sweet mondays
we love Awanas!, a photo by sweet mondays on Flickr.

Happy Day... from Lacey!

Lacey put this picture on fb from Benjamin's bday party a couple weeks ago. too cute. thanks girl. I'll do a real blog soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Caroline's Busted Lip

"It's right here, mommy!"

train 5 busted lip

Last night Caroline gathered up her trains and took off running when almost immediately she tripped and fell on the hard floor. Her tooth didn't go completely thru her top lip but I think it was close! She is one tough cookie! I think Anna cried  more than Caroline did, (except it was more of a worried whimper). But, even a busted lip couldn't stop these girls from having a good time playing with their new train!! Although, the pictures were before the fall!

Train 1

train 2

train 3

train 4

Caroline's lip is much more swollen and gross looking today but, other than having to sleep in the bed with me last night.. you'd never know it bothered her :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Anna's Big Night...

Tonight was a big night for Anna!! Caroline Herring came to town! Anna has loved Caroline Herring's singing since birth... consequently because I do I'm sure... but, still..she loves her now too!
When I told Anna that Caroline Herring was in town she was SO excited but then she truly could not decide between church and Caroline. I let her decide and after a lot of backs and forths off to see Caroline we went.
She really had a blast! We were right up front and she loved it. It was a little long for a three year old but she did great!
Afterwards, she got to meet her favorite star! I told Caroline that she had been Anna's favorite since birth and then Anna said (very sheepishly), "yeah, my sister's name is even Caroline!" It was cute. Caroline gave Anna her children's cd, "The Little  House Songs". Which Anna was TOTALLY thrilled with because Little House on the Prarie is her favortie tv show. (Even though they have NOTHING to do with one another she was thrilled.)
As you can see here:

Caroline Herring CD 2

She is in her bed listening to her new cd right now. She says she is going to take her "new Caroline Herring CD playing" to school next week for show and tell! We shall see if she does!

It was certainly a fun Mommy/Daughter date with my sweet Anna. She is growing up way too fast!

If you haven't heard of Caroline Herring I highly encourage you to check her out!! Anna and I certainly love her music!!  Check out her webpage HERE!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sweet Caroline is TWO!!

Sweet Caroline

Our Sweet Little Sprout, Caroline is officially TWO!! She is happy all the time except for when she isn't.. She is stubborn and sweet and hysterical! Loves playing puppy and baby with Anna, jumping on the trampoline and going to mmo! She is so much fun to have running around this house every day!!

Here are some photos from her little "lion" b'day celebration at Zannie's and Beene's:

Party Animals

All the party animals on the bounce house for a picture!

Fox kiss

Sweet Fox wasn't too sure about Caroline kissing on him!

Big Sister, Anna

Big Sister Anna having a blast!

Anna and Benjamin

Posing with Benjamin!

Anna helping

Getting a little help from Anna!

Caroline  and Anna

Sweet Sisters!


Cousins!! Caroline insisted on posing as a Lion for the photo.

Lion Fox

One last Lion roar from Fox before he leaves!

NO Lion!

Caroline was totally against the Lion at first!!

Finally pets the Lion

Then Uncle Hoo helped with a proper introduction...

Lion in Car!

...and friends they all are!!

Uncle Nate

Uncle Nate with his sweet Mississippi girls!

lion cake

Overall, the Lion party was a success...

Puppy hat

...but she still prefers being a puppy!! :)