Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Growing-Up = Changes!


If you know me even just a little bit I'm sure you know that I don't love "change". I'm a creature of habit. I like things to stay the way they are. My parents can attest to my many, many meltdowns growing up that were a direct result of something (probably minor) changing in my life. (I'll exclude examples for now because some of my "change" meltdowns are quite ridiculous.) Needless to say.. I don't love change.. but I'm learning to love it.

But.. I'm NOT loving my little sweetheart-child growing up SO fast.
I am quickly learning that: Growing Up = LOTS and LOTS of changes!!!

Most are tiny and wonderful.. like her sweet hair getting so long:


And the picture above is why Casey (who is going to kill me for this) will be having "hair-styling-lessons" soon. This is not a picture of her ponytail falling out after running around.. this is his finished product. =)

Then there is just Change: as in something is different and I don't know what to do!

Anna decided Monday night that she was too cool for a crib and was no longer sleeping in her baby bed! I'm serious!! Monday night she was up crying and pitching the biggest fit until 9:45 when she finally fell asleep with Casey in the recliner. Yesterday she did the same thing at nap time (refusing a good nap) AND bedtime. I finally went to her room and crawled in the twin bed with her (where she was super happy and calm) and after "shift-change" Casey was able to "re-locate" her in her crib without her realizing it. At 2a.m. it was the same story... cry incessantly; get in twin bed with mommy; fall soundly to sleep; relocate to crib; cry incessantly; go to recliner with mommy; fall soundly to sleep; relocate; cry; go to mommy and daddy's bed to get daddy; sleep; relocate; cry; twin bed with daddy; sleep soundly; successful relocation to crib... finally!

So, after much tossing and turning last night I decided that the whole delima must be that she considers herself much too grown up for a crib (a.k.a. time for change).. SOLUTION:


babygate blocking the doorway, pillows breaking (potential) fall, and voila...
She's napping away in there right now!

And.. just to keep things honest. I was quite sure that she would scream and cry and have the biggest meltdown until she fell asleep hanging over the babygate... and when she did infact cry and scream for 15 minutes.. I was suprised to find that when she finally decided to give up on the torturous tear-session.. she infact crawled up in her "new" bed and went to sleep like a baby!

So.. change is no fun sometimes.. especially when it comes with a megaphone of screaming tears.. but watching this sweet-bitty grow up is worth it! But it is going too fast!

I'll be back to let you know how the new sleeping situation is working out!
Until then.. y'all have a HappyDay and my Sou Chef and I are going to get in this kitchen and work on supper!


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Be back soon!

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