Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's been a while...

Well... if you know me just the slightest bit you know that I absolutely thrive on projects. Casey can attest to the fact that I get so completely captivated, that no matter the project, everything (minus my daughter of course) gets put on hold until the job is complete. This week I've been working on "baby presents"
.... AND.. YES... once again... these "projects" have swollowed me whole!

I'm loving it... and... don't worry! I promise I'll fill you in soon!

Somewhere amongst all the "mess" that has piled up since my little project began yesterday morning I should find my camera USB cord. Until then.... my weekend re-cap will just have to be put on hold.

AND... because I don't for one second think you all look at this blog to read the words... here is our NEAR NINE MONTH OLD!


She's growing into a big kid!!


  1. Molly - Anna is so beautiful! She's a big girl with her sippy cup! :) Miss you! Sorry we didn't get together when you were here last time. We sort of ended up having a crazy weekend! I think that happens when you have kids...plans just don't work out like they're supposed to. We MUST get together next time you're in town. :)

  2. Aww i LOVE the bow! Can't wait to hear more about your new project!



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