Saturday, July 19, 2014

Time to Post!

One photo to help explain why it has been so long since my last blog post:

This child is into everything, everywhere, all the time!!! He actually pushed his stool over there so he could climb up and pull all the books off the shelf!! 

I know it has been an eternity since my last post! In all honesty we have just been in full-blown "enjoy life" mode and haven't been doing much in the way of social media!

I'll attempt to be better in the future! Until my next post (hopefully next week) here are several pictures:

?? Your guess is as good as mine but she was very proud of this creation!

Caroline- a total mess!

Anna making lunch!

Later I found out she gave Caroline the end piece of bread. But Cliney doesn't care- bread is bread to that bug!

Gator-ride at Mimi's

The boy just loves life!

We have had lots of great times haning with all our Bell-buds this summer too!

Case and E- RedSox vs Cards- haha!

Caroline- there are no words...

Total MESS!!

and.. then there is Anna. Our big helper girl!!

She learned to ride her bike with out training wheels last week!!

Playing "puppy". Please notice Caroline's bed! I think she sleeps with 40 stuffed animals!!

When Casey is out of town sometimes I roll like this... Feed Case in the stroller at the pool so the girls can swim and I don't have to clean up after him!

Now you know why "poolside stroller meal for one" is such a great idea!

Yep! He is a total MESS all the time!!

But such a cute mess!!

and he has THIS big sister wrapped around his little finger!! She thinks he hangs the moon. 

SO.... we are just here having a fun and busy summer! 
And we still have another solid month before school starts!!

Enough time for a GeeBee/Disney visit!!

I'll be back soon with some pictures from Paris and Idaho! Both trips deserve a blog of their very own!!

Until then...

this crew is enjoying life to the fullest!!

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