Sunday, March 22, 2009

DB & Z's


Well, we're back from DaddyBen and Zannie's! It was a great trip!!!
Apologies for not getting with you last week... but what fun to hear from Aunt say-say!! Thanks Sarah... a fun post with cute pictures. A BIG SHOUT OUT TO SARAH!! (I was once lectured for not giving her a big enough shout out!!)

Casey, Anna and I have had quite an eventful week!! If I had all week to catch you up it'd make a great post but since it is already 10pm on Sunday night I don't have much time. (Besides we are all exhausted!!)


I never realized how much time blogging really takes!

Hope you don't mind seeing our week in pictures with no words!

As for Anna-
You may not recognize her!! She is now three months old and growing, growing, growing... arms, legs, hair, finger, toes, cheeks... everything is just changing changing!! She's still ADORABLE and the love of our life!


She LOVED getting to be at DaddyBen and Zannie's and seeing all my family and friends... AND our stop for the weekend to see all of Casey's family too!!

Enjoy the slideshow of random photos!

Well, I know a slideshow is not as much fun because I don't get to tell you all the fun comments I'd love to share... but maybe next time. Hopefully the pictures were fun to see none-the-less!

See you all next week with a FUN post I promise!!

HappyWeek to you ALL!!!

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