I may have over-extended myself this fall. After coaching Caroline's soccer team, teaching Kindergarten Sunday School, coaching Drama at school plus my full time 2nd grade teaching job - I'm gonna be worn slap out!
That doesn't even get into the umpteen committees I'm on- or all of the kids' activities:
Anna- swim team, gymnastics, drama and soccer
Caroline- soccer and gymnastics
Case- thank goodness he is too young THIS year!
Here are few photos from the last couple weeks around here:
Swimming in the rain!
Bust out the selfie stick- say- say's crew came to visit!
More from this visit (sometime)!
Haircuts for everyone!
Some late night hotel reading for these three!
A fun 24hrs in Jackson!
And.... This boy is becoming a big boy!!!
Be back soon- but, if it isn't soon enough scroll back up and re-read first paragraph 😜